Baro mp3 voice Recorder (Voice call recorder)Support Voice recording and call recordingYou can record any sound Quickly and easily. such as lectures or call.
Try test free version first.
▷▷▷ Basic Features ◁◁◁1. High-quality mp3 files are supported.2. You can easily record any sound.3. Supports pause. Then you can record again.4. Automaic call recording.5. You can change the samplerate and bitrate, etc..6. You can specify the folder to save.7. Phone number (or the name of the book) with the date of the file name is automatically generated.8. You can not save short call recording.(Specifies the number of seconds)9. You can delete the last file automatically. (Specifies the number of days)10. Support the 2x1 widget.
▷▷▷ Notes ◁◁◁1. Most of the phones that support Bluetooth record,but some phones may not be possible by hardware.2. Nexus series does not support the call recording.3. If Call recording is illegal in your country, Your phone may not be possible.
▷▷▷ The difference between the Free, Lite, Pro version ◁◁◁Free version: Time Limit,ADLite version: Only Voice recordingPro version: Voice recording + Call recording